Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Is “being social” a marketing strategy?

What does it mean to be social? It looks a little bit different for everyone. It's not about everyone in your business being an extrovert and bringing back 100 business cards. It's about creating space for your most influential people to share, socially, what you do and why you do it.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

A Digital Transformation for Networking

There's a lot of talk about digital transformation. But what does that really mean? A lot of businesses implement software "solutions", but BUYING a solution doesn't mean that you've experienced a transformation.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

When people SELL a thing vs. ARE a thing

Sales often gets a bad wrap. Why? Because people show up to SELL. The show up to CONVINCE. They show up to make you question yourself and then tell you they are the answer to your problem. Ugh. So what can we do instead?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Can Networking be Transformational?

I think we give far too few things the opportunity to be transformational. We save a personal transformation for a HUGE event. But what if some of those every day things - like networking - could be transformational as well?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What a space DOES vs. How a space FEELS

Most spaces are created to support people DOING a thing. So, when we're aligned on what we're there to do, why do people start to feel so mis-aligned? Because rarely do people create an intention of what it FEELS like to show up and do that. Let’s explore what really gets your people to participate in community…the FEELING of Belonging.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Why Community is CRITICAL in Personal Branding

Many people believe that personal branding is all about you and how you show up. BUT…if your personal brand is the EXPERIENCE that other people have of you, a personal brand CANNOT exist without other people. Let’s dive a little deeper.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Mosaic Brand Experience

Like a lot of things in life and business, many people think that the development of a brand is LINEAR. Here’s the rub. Brand building is NOT linear. Because the human experience is not linear. So, if we DON’T develop a brand linearly, how does it happen? MOSAIC-ly.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Corporate Brands vs. Personal Brands

A battle to the death…which will win? Corporate Brands or Personal Brands? Or maybe, just maybe, there’s a way to create harmony between the two. Is it complex? Yes. But it’s also simple.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The “Easy Way” is hurting your Brand Experience

So many people are looking for the “easy way” these days. And to be fair, the marketing industry is all about selling it to you. But I’ve seen the “easy way” have a NEGATIVE impact on brands one too many times. So let’s explore the benefits of YOUR way vs the “easy way”.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Finding Your Authenticity Through Conversations

“Talking it Out” for me is a critical component of how I process information. But “just talking” (especially to myself) is NOT where I find the most value. It’s in talking to others. So today, I’m exploring how conversations create the space for us to learn what being authentic means for each of us.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Where are you wearing a mask?

No, I’m not talking about face masks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And I’m also not talking about Halloween masks, although it is that time of year. I’m talking about the masks we put on every day to go to work. So let’s break down a few of the reasons why most people wear a mask to work.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Curating an Authentic Experience

OK all. I want to talk about something that’s super important to me. The curation of authentic experiences. Specifically, of HUMAN experiences. It all comes down to how others are affected by interacting with your personal brand. Are you curating that by design?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What is authenticity?

I’m a fan of dictionary definitions as a place to start a conversation. And this one is going to be GOOD. Because our friends at Merriam-Webster have a plethora of definitions for authenticity. So let’s break it down to figure out what we mean by “being authentic” when it comes to personal branding.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Personal Branding: Theory vs. Practice

Like most things that take ACTION in life, knowing the theory behind personal branding is all well and good, but if it’s not put into practice, it doesn’t become part of your behavior. If you want to become a personal branding Jedi, you must put your personal brand to work. How? Let’s let some Yoda guidance lead us :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How to align your goals with your personal brand

Living your personal brand. It’s the activity of being yourself. But in a world that’s so good at telling us who we SHOULD be, what we SHOULD want, what our goals SHOULD look like, somehow the concept of just being ourselves gets lost. Here’s how to get it back.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What Your Authentic Brand Voice ISN’T

Like with all things, each individual person has their own definition of a brand voice. But there are some standard things that you should know in terms of what a brand voice ISN’T so you can set your expectations accordingly.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How Your Peeps Impact Your Progress

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Not once, in the history of time, did one person accomplish what they did without other people. Let’s explore why your business peeps are so critical to your success.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Why collaboration is the best way to honor your personal brand

I’ve met a lot of people with different opinions on collaboration. There seem to be those who believe collaboration ADDS to their genius, and those who believe it TAKES AWAY. It’s interesting to me, from the point of view of personal branding, so let’s dive a little deeper.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What is business culture driven by if not your personal brand?

I keep asking myself questions about how we got to the point in corporate cultures where humans became a RESOURCE instead of people. So today, I dove a little deeper into some research to see if I can get a better idea at what is currently driving business cultures, if it’s NOT personal brands.

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