There are a lot of Marketers that just want to sell you THEIR services.

They’re the ones who are out in the market trying to convince you that you need a podcast | email marketing | a brand refresh | new website copy | SEO.

But how do you know that YOU really need their services? Can you trust them to NOT sell you something you don’t need?

That’s where the Authentic Marketing Fellowship comes in.

Here, we’re all about getting people the RIGHT support. When they need it.

No one is ever going to try to convince you to buy something you don’t need. Or can’t handle.

And if you doubt that, book a free call with any of us ✨

Maybe we can help you. Maybe we’ll recommend another Fellow. And maybe we CAN’T help you. Either way, you’ll get some useful advice 💖

Meet the Fellows

Check back soon for more resources!

We are constantly adding more Fellows 💖