Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The CEO's Guide to More Meaningful Marketing in 2025 (Part Three)

This is it, folks! The third and final installment in this More Meaningful Marketing series, and there's just as many awesome things to cover today, so let's get right to it! If you missed Part One and Part Two, make sure to check those out as well for a holistic view on how to keep your marketing on track in 2025.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The CEO's Guide to More Meaningful Marketing in 2025 (Part Two)

Well, we're back for Part 2 of 3 in this series on how to do more meaningful marketing in 2025 and let’s get right to taking a look at some more things people CHASE in Marketing that AREN'T leading them towards their goals. From gimmicks to automation, from incentives to consistency, we’ve got it all!

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The CEO's Guide to More Meaningful Marketing in 2025 (Part One)

I feel like marketing has been failing most businesses this year (2024). But marketing - or rather, how your potential customers build a relationship with your brand PRIOR to buying - will always matter in business. How can we bring back what matters? Start Here.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Power of SONDER in Marketing

Have you heard of the concept of “Sonder”? It’s based on a human experience, but almost NEVER talked about in marketing. This article explores some related questions around how you’re playing the main character in your OWN story, and your role in your client’s story as well :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Al Comments: Hurting More Than Helping

In the world of Marketing, there are more and more AI "solutions", and today I need to rant (YES, RANT) about how people are using the new AI Comments option on LinkedIn. It’s just straight up NOT working. And here are some things you can think about to re-think how you’re using it.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Is Your Target Audience ACTUALLY Your Ideal Client?

Oh, the marketing jargon. Does it make your brain want to explode? To prevent that, our brains generally try to group things into categories. But what happens when things get batched that SHOULDN’T? Let’s explore the different between a Target Audience and an Ideal Client for a sneak peek…

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Being With VS. Speaking To (in Marketing)

Businesses have a tendency to SPEAK TO people with their Marketing. But if we peel away the business, the financial requirements and the responsibilities, and we simply look at whether or not that works on US; we realize it doesn’t. So, what CAN create that connection? Maybe, it’s more about BEING.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Be-Have-Do of Marketing

What are you trying to EARN with your Marketing DOING? Likes? Engagement? Shares? Conversations? Sales? Whatever it is, you're TOTALLY trying to use your marketing activities to earn something. But what if success was more about your way of being? Let's explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Bringing Agile to Marketing

Marketing is inherently evolutionary. But I didn't really notice how many businesses are NOT treating it that way. Curious how YOUR Marketing Department could benefit by the Agile Principles? Then this article is for you! Which one could YOU implement today?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Marketing Conundrum: Measuring RESULTS (vs. completing tasks)

What do Traditional vs. Adaptive Management Principles have to do with marketing? Everything. It's time for marketing to come back to being adaptive...but there are some things we need to do to make that happen. Luckily for you, all those things are outlined in this article...Let's go!

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Thought Leader vs. Echo Chamber

I think a lot of people - and brands - come to LinkedIn to become Thought Leaders. And I also think what most people experience here is an Echo Chamber. So, what's broken in the "training" that's teaching people to be cookie cutters instead of standing out? Let's explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Better Questions = Better Marketing Results

Personally, I think "more questions" is the answer to most things. Especially when it comes to generating results. Yet often people get stuck asking the SAME questions over and over, and they end up becoming mostly irrelevant. Let's dive into some of these questions to stop the cycle!

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What Your CEO Needs to Know About Marketing

Chief Executive Officer. It's a big job with LOTS of over sight. But many CEO's are letting Marketing Departments run away with budgets and NOT getting any return. So what does a CEO need to do to keep marketing meaningful? If you've been asking yourself that very question, you're in the right place 😊

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Stress Amongst B2B CMO's: How to Buck the Trend

Last week I received a Forbes email titled: This Year Is Weighing On CMOs. So naturally, it piqued my interest. But what was MORE interesting was the lack of commentary on how to turn that around. Fortunately, I have LOTS of ideas on how to do precisely that. Take a gander 😊

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How To: Stop Your Marketing Team from Chasing Squirrels

The difference between Marketing as a Cost Centre and a Revenue Engine? A team that's NOT "chasing squirrels"💡And if you want to make that shift, you need to understand which squirrels YOU'RE chasing. Luckily, that’s precisely what this article is all about; identifying YOUR squirrels, and what you can do instead.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What makes a Marketing Program CRAZY?

What does it mean for Marketing to be Crazy? It means you’re doing the same things over and over and still expecting a different result. It’s something that happens SO often in Marketing, and it adds absolutely NO value to your brand. So how can you identify Crazy efforts and eliminate them? Let’s explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What Makes Marketing Confusing for NON-Marketers

People continue to find marketing a confusing business. Not only do different people in the marketing game tell you different things, sometimes they tell you contradictory things, which can make it seem like a minefield. What do YOU need to know to help you navigate that minefield? It’s all about YOU 🫵

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Product-Led Marketing: The Missing Piece(s)

More and more often, businesses are focusing on a Product-Led Marketing strategy. It sounds fancy, but all it really means is that the PRODUCT is front and center in marketing efforts. But is it REALLY your product that keeps people wanting more? Or something else? Maybe a combination of things? Let’s explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Bad LinkedIn Advice

There's a lot of advice on LinkedIn on how to use your profile to optimize your reach / get leads / find job opportunities. And MOST of it is bad. But what makes it bad? The fact that people believe ONE way is the way that will work for all people. Which is never, ever, EVER the case. So what can we do instead? Let’s explore :)

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