Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How Your Peeps Impact Your Progress

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Not once, in the history of time, did one person accomplish what they did without other people. Let’s explore why your business peeps are so critical to your success.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Why collaboration is the best way to honor your personal brand

I’ve met a lot of people with different opinions on collaboration. There seem to be those who believe collaboration ADDS to their genius, and those who believe it TAKES AWAY. It’s interesting to me, from the point of view of personal branding, so let’s dive a little deeper.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What is business culture driven by if not your personal brand?

I keep asking myself questions about how we got to the point in corporate cultures where humans became a RESOURCE instead of people. So today, I dove a little deeper into some research to see if I can get a better idea at what is currently driving business cultures, if it’s NOT personal brands.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

You don’t need a “re-brand”…you need brand clarity

I hear a lot of entrepreneurs talking about “re-branding”. As I have seen it, it’s almost 100% related to getting a new logo, updating a business name, or launching a new package. But none of that is truly a re-brand. Why not? Let’s discuss.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What do people have to do with a brand strategy?

In short; EVERYTHING. I’ve heard a lot of definitions of brands over the years. For me, any true definition has to do with feelings. And being memorable. And what makes something memorable? Emotions :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What makes a Personal Brand Personal?

We so often speak about brands in the sense of huge commercial brands, which can sometimes make it difficult to understand what a personal brand is. And the key to the difference is the word, “personal”. Might seem simple right? But let’s dive a little deeper into what this means.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Personal Brands DON’T come “off-the-shelf”

There is still a lot of mystery that surrounds the concept of personal branding. Probably because they are unique to everyone. Selling them off-the-shelf seems easier for a lot of people. But let me tell you why it’s not.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Authentic Leadership: Fact or Fiction?

I participated in a LinkedIn poll a while back asking people if they were allowed to authentically lead in their organizations. My immediate response was, “NO” (based on my experience in my corporate career). To my surprise, 67% of people said, “YES”. But I wondered if people confused authenticity with authority or autonomy. So, I thought I would address it.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Personal Brands = The SOUL of a Business

We’ve all heard the old saying, “people buy from people”. But while we’re spending so much time on marketing strategy, sales KPI’s, on-boarding procedures, upselling and NPS results, what’s really happening with our employees and the relationships with their jobs?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

When to choose a branding resource

There are a whole bunch of people out there who can help you with your “branding”. But how do you know when to choose which resource? This post will address the different types of branding resources commonly available, and when it MOST makes sense for people to choose one.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Leading…By Design

As John Quincy Adams said about leadership, “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” But what does it take for us to inspire this kind of action? Leading…by design.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Be Yourself vs. Be Someone Else

This concept continues to be a struggle in the personal branding space. A lot of people think personal branding is a marketing tactic; an activity in showing up a pre-defined way to achieve what they want. Except it’s not. Let’s explore the concept a little deeper.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Unique People = Stand Out Brands

I’ve been using this header on my website for a while now, and I thought maybe it could use some framing. When a business is new, it starts out based on the foundation of ONE brand…the owners brand. Here are the benefits of doing that ON PURPOSE.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What’s Your Intention?

Do you decide on your actions with a specific intention in mind? I’m not one to always have a plan for EVERYTHING. That’s because plans are usually based on executing a list of things that have been decided based on an intentional RESULT, instead of an intentional WAY OF BEING. But what if we flipped the script?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Power Your Personal Brand has on Your Work-Life Blend

We’ve all heard the phrase, “work-life-balance”. But balance, by definition, means, “a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.” But what are the correct proportions at any given time? Just ask your personal brand.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Where are you on your personal branding journey?

So many things in life are a journey. A personal brand is no different. As you grow and change, your personal brand changes with you. And, there’s different support you need at each stage. Here’s a brief scale of what type of support can help best at each stage of your personal branding journey.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

A Personal Brand Vocabulary

When it comes to telling people who you are and what you do, there are SO many “scripts”; which may provide you with useful information; but trying to share YOUR why in someone else’s words is just super hard. So, you need to use your own vocabulary. Read on to find out how.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Who are your people?

I use this phrase a lot when it comes to connecting with people. But, do you know who “your people” are? A lot of people confuse the concept with an Ideal Customer Avatar. But they are NOT the same thing. Read on.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What are you afraid of being?

In the last week, I’ve had two different clients share with me that they are afraid of being seen a certain way, so it stops them from showing up. Based on their personal brands, it would be absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for them to show up those ways…if they were showing up authentically. But the fear is still there. It might be for you too. So, let’s explore it :)

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