When to choose a branding resource
There are a whole bunch of people out there who can help you with your “branding”. But how do you know when to choose which resource?
This post will address the different types of branding resources commonly available, and when it MOST makes sense for people to choose one. I have also provided some recommendations for support in each of the areas in case you find your self there; these are resources I trust myself (and with which I have no monetary affiliation).
What is a brand designer? A brand designer is (usually) a visual branding resource. Think graphic designer. They are there to turn your brand identity into a visual brand that you can use consistently in your business.
When do I need one? When you have clarity on your own personal brand and want create a visual representation of that brand. Once you have a consistent brand experience developed, it’s beneficial to have the visuals to match.
When do I NOT need one? If you don’t have clarity on these 3 things, you don’t need a brand designer…yet.
Your brand values
What your company stands for
The feeling you wish to create in your clients
So many people think that visual branding is one of the first things they need to do when creating a business, and it’s actually one of the LAST. And a good brand designer won’t have the right inputs to if you don’t know enough about your brand identity.
Who do I recommend? These three brand designers come highly recommended by myself and my clients. All of them will ask you questions about the above things, so make sure you have the answers before reaching out!
Dawn Kummer @ Dose of Dawn
Lauren Deakin @ Nel Creative
Amy Manning @ Amy Manning Brand Design
What is a brand strategist? A strategist, by definition, is “a person skilled in planning action or policy”, so by extension, a brand strategist is someone who can EXECUTE your brand identity to make it work for you.
When do I need one? When you have clarity on WHERE you want to go, but don’t have a plan on HOW to get there.
When do I NOT need one? As you can probably imagine, if you don’t know what you want to execute, a strategist won’t be able to help you…yet. They require the same inputs as a brand designer (listed above). So many people jump straight into strategy when they are planning the direction of their business. But if you don’t have the inputs from the 3 pillars, and a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve, choosing a strategy to match is impossible.
Who do I recommend? These two brand strategists will confidently take care of your brand with a strategy that works for you. They will both ask you questions about the above things, so make sure to have those things in place in advance ;)
Dawn Kummer @ Dose of Dawn
Michelle Griffin @ Michelle Griffin Media
What is a brand identity coach? A brand identity coach is someone who helps you define your brand values, what your company stands for, and the feeling you wish to create in your clients. They don’t GIVE you anything…they are skilled at asking questions that allow you to reveal the true WHY behind your business…in your own words, so you can FEEL the connection to your business.
When do I need one? When you struggle to stay aligned with your “north star” in your business, you should consider a brand identity coach. As they will help you create the input that you need for all other branding resources, it is makes sense to invest in this type of coaching at the beginning of your journey, or at any point where you are transitioning.
When do I NOT need one? Firstly, if you are simply looking to follow someone else’s path towards doing a thing, there’s no point investing in a brand identity coach. A coach will help you find YOUR way, so if you aren’t confident that’s right for you, you can skip this resource. Secondly, if you already have clarity on items 1, 2 and 3 listed above, then you are past the time for a brand identity coach.
Who do I recommend? You’re already in the right place. THIS is where TLB Coaching lives. Schedule your Discovery Call to learn more about what your brand identity adventure could look like :)