Own Your Personal Brand Package (monthly payments)

CA$1,250.00 every month for 3 months

In this 3-month coaching program, you will be working directly with Tracy to dive deeper into your brand and to find ways to bring that brand to life on LinkedIn. Sessions will cover:

  1. Personal Brand Clarity

  2. Connection Strategy Building

  3. Content Strategy Building

  4. Systematization of Marketing & Sales Funnels

Package Includes:

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Brand Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • Bi-Weekly Accountability Sessions (30 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • LinkedIn Profile Review & Recommendations

  • Content Audits (for duration of program)


In this 3-month coaching program, you will be working directly with Tracy to dive deeper into your brand and to find ways to bring that brand to life on LinkedIn. Sessions will cover:

  1. Personal Brand Clarity

  2. Connection Strategy Building

  3. Content Strategy Building

  4. Systematization of Marketing & Sales Funnels

Package Includes:

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Brand Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • Bi-Weekly Accountability Sessions (30 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • LinkedIn Profile Review & Recommendations

  • Content Audits (for duration of program)

In this 3-month coaching program, you will be working directly with Tracy to dive deeper into your brand and to find ways to bring that brand to life on LinkedIn. Sessions will cover:

  1. Personal Brand Clarity

  2. Connection Strategy Building

  3. Content Strategy Building

  4. Systematization of Marketing & Sales Funnels

Package Includes:

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 Brand Coaching Sessions (90 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • Bi-Weekly Accountability Sessions (30 minutes each, recording & notes provided upon request)

  • LinkedIn Profile Review & Recommendations

  • Content Audits (for duration of program)