Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Crazy Stupid Marketing

Did you ever see that movie, "Crazy Stupid Love"? It's a movie about how love can be so simple, yet so overly complicated at the same time. Marketing is the same. It CAN be so simple, yet most businesses overly complicate it. How do you keep it SIMPLE? Let’s explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What IS (and what ISN'T) a Marketing Strategy?

There's a lot of confusion in Marketing between a TACTIC and a STRATEGY. A Strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim. A Tactic is a step you undertake to accomplish your strategy. Have you ignored your Strategy and filled your marketing program with Tactics that don’t work? Let’s explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Content vs. Conversation (in Marketing)

I read a post today that said, "Content has become so important in marketing because it fills the gap between buyer and seller". But is it REALLY filling the gap? I would argue NOT. It might GO in the gap. But it doesn't FILL the gap. Not all the way. So, what else do we need if content isn't getting us all the way there?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Important Marketing Questions to Ask Yourself

You know the benefit of having a senior marketing resource on your team? They'll ask you the important questions. If you don’t have the budget for a full-time, senior marketing resource, let's explore how we can go deeper on the questions we DO know to ask, to get to the answers that really matter 💡

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Marketing KPI's: Choose Wisely

Not all Marketing KPI's are created equal. Some have great value for your business. And some are mostly irrelevant. You must choose wisely. Let's take a look at some of the most common marketing KPI's for B2B businesses and explore when they make sense, and when they don't.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Marketing isn't about WHAT you DO...

Ever get the feeling you're hearing a bunch of "me, me, me, me" when you listen to marketing? Yeah, me too. Somewhere along the line, people (and companies) decided that marketing was about telling people what it is we do. But it doesn’t work. Let’s explore why…AND what we can do differently.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Choosing a Marketing Tactic 101

Every year, there's a new marketing tactic (or more) to add to the potential roster of how businesses market themselves. So, for a new business, where do you start? Research all the options until you are totally overwhelmed? Do what everyone else in your industry is doing? There’s a better way :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Marketing for Conversation vs. Consumption

Marketing seems mostly to focus on consumption. But what if it wasn’t? What if, instead, we looked at how we might create conversation with our marketing efforts instead of just worrying about how many people CONSUMED them? Let’s explore.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

More Content Doesn't Matter UNLESS...

More content = more eyes on your brand...right? Unfortunately not. Just because content gets CREATED, doesn’t mean Your People are seeing it. So what does? Let’s explore how to get YOUR content in front of the people who matter to YOU.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How "Wonder" Can Empower Your Sales & Marketing Efforts

Most companies are looking to systems and automation to empower results in sales and marketing. But increasingly, they are realizing that the people behind the scenes, the ones USING the systems and automations, aren't "in it to win it". So how do you get them “in it”? Let’s explore :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How to ACTUALLY Scale Your Sales Efforts

If you're not happy with your sales efforts TODAY, doing more THINGS ISN'T going to generate MORE sales for you. They're just going to COST you more. Scaling sales never was about doing MORE things, but the RIGHT things. The HUMAN things. So let’s start building…

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

What do diamonds and brands have in common? More than you might think! Let’s have some fun today exploring the similarities between understanding what makes a diamond valuable and what makes a brand valuable :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Return on Investment: Time vs. Money

Return on Investment is probably one of the most common KPI's when it comes to a monetary spend. We put X amount of money into a project with the intent of having MORE than X when we're done. It's a good metric. And it could be even better if we considered TIME in the equation.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Scalability: Built on Sameness or Differentiation?

What do you do when you want to grow past where you currently are? The answer isn’t to SHIFT to MIRROR what someone else has done (which is what most businesses do). Come and explore how erasing your uniqueness in business eliminates your ability to scale, instead of creating it; and what you can do instead.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Are you optimizing the PEOPLE behind your automation efforts?

Almost all of the hype in sales and marketing in the past 10 years has been about automation. Doing MORE things. But if MORE was actually helping, wouldn't there be more companies with an over-flowing funnel and less doing mass layoffs? Let’s look at what optimizing the people behind the scenes could do…

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Can Digital Sales & Marketing actually be authentic?

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't feel like anyone LIKES feeling like a transaction. I mean, it always FEELS different to be seen like a person BEFORE someone helps you. That FEELING is your brand. And it possible to create by simply: 1) Honoring what's important to you, and 2) Being intentional about delivering that to other people.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What AI is missing when it comes to branding

On the surface, for people who don't have a deep understanding of brand, generative AI likely seems amazing. But with the current value of most brand inputs, there are HUGE gaps in the creation of MEANINGFUL content. Let's explore some of the myths on which this and other similar types of AI are based that are sending us in the wrong direction.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Maybe Business IS like a Family...

Do you think a business can be “like a family”? A lot of career coaches say it's a red flag. But what if there was more truth to it than we thought? I love me a good "What If", so today, let's explore how much Families and Businesses actually have in common 😉

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