Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Scalability vs. People in the Workplace

For companies of a certain size, scalability ALWAYS becomes part of the equation. But does scalability happen BECAUSE of people? Or IN LIEU of people? There are some key things that are required for a business to scale…let’s see where PEOPLE come to play in the equation.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How To Audit Your Online Experience

Marketing is all about connecting with the people who need what your company offers. About creating enough influence in your industry that people come to you for answers. But most marketing DOESN'T do this. Here’s how to audit if yours DOES :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

The Funnel is Broken

In simple terms, your funnel is the way you move people through the process of finding out you exist to buying what you're selling. It's a process with multiple points. Which means, there are lots of places the process can break. So how do you make sure you’re not running broken funnel processes? Read on :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Digital Ads ≠ Digital Influence

Advertising. It's one of the loudest things in the Marketing arena. But advertising is only a one-way announcement to the world. And nobody builds a relationship off a one-way “connection”. So, if you're looking to drive digital influence, and advertising isn't the thing that does it, then what does?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What happens to innovation when the "Old Ways"​ keep winning?

When innovation is one of the key principles in which companies do business today, why do we keep moving back instead of moving forward? To be fair, it's much easier to go back to something we know then going towards something we don't. But what do we risk by going back?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What do YOU Wonder? And why it's relevant in your brand messaging

All of us are wondering unique thoughts during the work day. The majority of people just keep their thoughts to themselves. But at the end of the day, what your people WONDER is the access point to their greatest contribution. So what if we talked about it more? Especially in our marketing…

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Making Your Marketing INTENTIONAL in 2023

It's a New Year. A time when many individual humans are looking at what they can do differently to get the results they want. But what about on a business front? Are we doing “more of the same” in our marketing and expecting different results? Perhaps we can be a little more intentional…

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Digital Experiences that Work in 2023

I'm all about experiences. Always have been. Always will be. And one of the things that STILL boggles my mind is the lack of effort that most brands put into their digital experience. So today I want to talk about the most important thing you can do in 2023 to make your digital experiences work for you.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Policing Social Media vs. Empowering Social Media

I've worked in Marketing for a LONG time. And since the dawn of social media in the workplace (yes, I'm THAT old), companies have been policing social media. Which is actually STOPPING you from growing your digital influence. What can help? Empowering your people. Let’s talk about how to do that :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Quantity vs. Quality in Marketing

Most often, when it comes to marketing, we track QUANTITY. The number of engagements, or pieces of content, or people who came by our booth. But while quantity might be the easiest thing to measure, it isn't always the most MEANINGFUL. So, how about we introduce something a little more meaningful into our metrics?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

How Authenticity Builds Funnels

So many businesses only focus on the tech piece of digital transformation. But it's NOT about the technology. It never was. It's about the PEOPLE using the technology. In a way that shows other people what your business is all about. Authentically.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Digital Influence doesn't build without INTENTION

Digital Influence isn’t built without intention. Yet somehow, people still think that if they just post enough content, it will build. That's like saying, "just pile up enough wood over there and the barn will build itself". That's a hard no. So, how CAN you build Digital Influence? Let's break down the INPUTS.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Digital Influence isn't just a Marketing Activity

If you were going to send someone on your team out to explore "digital influence solutions", who would it be? The marketing team? That’s all well and good BUT every person in your organization is either contributing or taking away from your digital influence. Do you know who is doing what?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

What Conversation are YOU Leading?

The online environment is rife with conversations to LISTEN to. Consumption of information is at an all time high in our current environment. But are you LEADING in any of your conversations?

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Using Your Digital Space to create Belonging

It’s possible to use your digital spaces to create belonging. But in order to do that, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind. Let’s explore what it looks like to use YOUR digital space to create belonging for yourself and others :)

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Digital Influence is EARNED...what are you doing to earn yours?

A lot of people (and companies) talk about "digital influence" as something you do or do not have. Which is fine when you are measuring digital influence, but what it ignores all the things one DOES to CREATE digital influence. So let's explore some of those things today.

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Tracy Borreson Tracy Borreson

Where Belonging & Social Selling Collide

There are too many voices in the digital space. Each one is easy to ignore...Unless you give people a REASON to listen to you. That's where creating belonging comes in. Let’s explore how a focus on belonging might impact our social selling strategies :)

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