Overwhelmed = Overcomplicated

I was listening to a training session the other day, and this concept was shared. And it really resonated with me because I see this all the time in marketing efforts. People are overwhelmed by marketing, specifically because they have overcomplicated it to the point that their personal brand becomes lost.


The definition of overwhelm is, “to bury or drown beneath a huge mass.”

When used in the context of your marketing, it means you have too many marketing initiatives you are trying to implement, and therefore you become mentally and emotionally buried in those initiatives.

But here’s the thing. YOU are the one who decided to take on all of those things. So, YOU can decide to let them go.

The best way to inform that decision? Use your personal brand.

Based on your values, your core beliefs, your skills and expertise, let go of the things that don’t resonate with you. Just because one of the “guru’s” used that strategy, doesn’t mean that it will be effective for you. And it ESPECIALLY won’t be effective for you if it feels WRONG, because every time you work on it, it drains your tank.


Marketing is supposed to feel easy. An authentic sharing of how you can help another person. It only becomes complicated when it’s influenced by external factors that aren’t aligned with your personal brand.

And only YOU can control whether or not to let those things in.

Let them in when they feel empowering, or exciting.

And let them GO when they don’t.

And then observe how you feel.

So, the next time you experience overwhelm in your marketing, think about how you can SIMPLIFY it. You absolutely can create a successful business by only doing the things that work for you.


And if you are continually getting stuck in marketing overwhelm, get help.


Heroes vs. Villains: The Power of Personal Brands


What are you thankful for? And what that means about your personal brand.