Your Ideal Customer Profile starts with YOU
I want you to take a look at your current Ideal Customer Avatar and tell me how many times something about YOU is mentioned.
What? None? Oh, maybe there’s some services you listed that your customer needs. That’s about me, right?
How can you create alignment with your target customers if you don’t know what you do first?
When I work with a client on a Nail Your Niche (for REAL) consultation, the very first thing that we go through is their expertise, passion and how they want to show up to help their customers. Because, come on guys, don’t you want clients that want to work with you the way you want to work with them?
I came across a great example the other day in a Facebook Group. A woman who is a digital advertising consultant asked a question about what type of packages she could put together to support a client of hers that is asking about finding social media influencers. A bunch of people gave her some great ideas of things to include in packages and what she could price them at.
My question: do you want to provide that kind of support?
Her answer: well, the clients are looking for it.
My answer: so what?
People are looking for lots of things in life. We aren’t here to be all things to all people. I’ll be honest with you. I’m good at helping you connect to your personal brand. I’m brutal at graphic design. People who are working on their brand need graphic design (most often). So I partner with amazing graphic designers so they can do what they’re good at, and I can do what I’m good at.
Because that’s what gets results.
You can get caught up in a wave of “what the client wants” if you don’t create the boundaries of what you want to provide (and how you want to provide it).
And if you’re wondering about the woman in question above, she decided she would be willing to train people vs. do the work, and she’s working out whether her target market wants that or if she needs to partner :)
It’s not selfish to think about how you want to show up in your business. It actually makes it easier for people to decide if they want to work with you or not. Because you can only go against your authentic self for so long before it shows up in how you keep your promises.