What a Brand is NOT

I’ve heard a lot of misperceptions over the years about what a brand is. Since the cloudiness isn’t doing anyone any favors, today we’ll be looking at the top three things that a brand is NOT.

Misperception #1 - Your Brand is Your Logo

This is one is super common, and it’s influenced by the original branding definition, which was related to branding cattle. A farmer would make his mark on his stock to make sure other famers didn’t steal them.

I see it all the time. People in Facebook Groups asking if “having a brand” is important. If your definition of a brand is a logo, then absolutely not. But your brand is a whole lot MORE than your logo.

I like to use Nike as an example. Do you think that Nike would be a less successful company today if they had chosen another logo besides their “swoosh”? Now granted, that logo has been a staple in sport for a very long time now. But they didn’t BECOME a staple in sport because of the logo. The logo becomes a reflection of the values of the company.

And even then, the logo has morphed many times throughout the years (you can check out the evolution here). I would challenge you to look at any brand you follow. Almost ALL of them have changed their logo, tweaked their brand colors, and used different taglines throughout their lifetimes. And if the big, well-known brands can transition without losing their best customers, it must mean that the imagery ISN’T the critical factor in their brand.

Misperception #2 - Your Brand is Your System (the how)

This one absolutely drives me nuts, because it goes against all the reasons why someone buys something.

There are 2 reasons why people buy: to get rid of a PAIN, and to induce PLEASURE. And it all stems from a problem.

When someone has a problem, they feel an emotion. Angry. Sad. Anxious.

When their problem is fixed, they feel an emotion. Happy. Excited. At Peace.

A system, by definition, is a “set of things, principles or procedures working together as parts of a mechanism.” Things, principles and procedures DON’T have emotions. Therefore, people, who are buying based on emotion, don’t connect to those things.

No one cares what your system is or how it works. They care about their RESULTS.

And because no one cares about the system, putting all your eggs in that basket ISN’T the critical factor in your brand either.

Misperception #3 - Your Brand is Your Company Name

I hear this one all the time, too. “I don’t know what to name my business, and it’s keeping me stuck”.

Similar to the conversation about a logo, this one doesn’t hold any weight. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • There is a COMPUTER company called APPLE

  • There is a COFFEE chain called STARBUCKS

  • There is a WEBSITE HOSTING company called GODADDY

  • There is a CLOTHING company called DIESEL

Think for a moment about the things that these companies are known for. Let’s use Apple. I think lots of people would agree that they associate innovation with Apple. But do you by default associate innovation with an apple (the fruit)? Absolutely not. So, your company name ISN’T your brand either.

What a Brand IS

Well, I couldn’t leave you hanging without knowing what a brand IS, now could I ;)

My favorite way to think about a brand is, “what do people say about you (or your company) when you’re not in the room?”

How do you make them feel? What do you stand for? THESE are the things that your brand IS.

Stop spending all your time worrying about the things a brand ISN’T and take the time to truly explore what your brand IS.

Need a good starting point? Schedule a Find Simplicity in Your Story call with me!


Personal Branding = Tenacity


Who’s Taking Care of Your Brand?