Building Strong Marketing Bones

As humans, our bones make up the foundation of our bodies.

And when renovators are looking at houses, often they talk about the "bones" of a house...and if they're good, anything can be done.

Well, our marketing is the same.

There are the bones (our brand). The skeletal system to which everything else is connected.

And then there are all the other bits...which don't mean much if your skeleton isn't there 😉

Your strategy. Your tactics. Your brand colors. Your offer. Your price. All of these things are NOT the skeleton. But they are INFLUENCED by the skeleton.

Let's look at a human's height. Dictated by the skeleton, right?

You can't change it. You could cut it off at the knees, I guess, but then you're changing who you are SO much that really, is it you anymore?

Nope. We are as tall as we are (once we're fully grown). Can't get taller. Can't get shorter.

It dictates our experience in life, as well as our perspective.

And your brand is the same.

It dictates the world's experience of us, as well as our perspective on the world.

So, with that in mind, what can we do to make sure we're taking care of our Marketing Bones? Let's explore :)

P.S. I asked Perplexity.AI "what are the best ways to take care of your bones?" and the following sections are based on it's response 💡

Eat A Balanced Diet

Ok, so as a human we might know what it looks like to eat a balanced diet, but what does that look like from a brand's perspective?

First of all, when we talk about diet, we're talking about the things that go INTO our bodies. So, likewise here, we're talking about things that go INTO your brand.

The primary input?


Your people are feeding your brand every day (or not).

Your employees. Your vendors. Your partners. Your leaders. Your investors. Your clients. Everyone in your brand community is feeding your brand.

So...what are you feeding it?

A few days ago I posted about the NUTRIENTS that need to exist in an ecosystem to allow it to thrive, and suddenly this seems very relevant. The people in your business - ALL of them - COULD act as a nutrient. Or not.

I've been doing this experiment with my 5yo, tracking his daily intake of healthy foods. He's learning that when he puts something into his body, it COULD check a box, or it could not. So, he's been choosing foods that check the boxes.

Equally, when it comes to the people who exist as part of our brand communities, if those "foods" are actually nutrients, the brand becomes stronger. And if they're empty calories, the brand becomes weaker.

With that in mind...

Who are YOU letting into your brand community? Just anyone?

If so, you might be full up with donuts instead of leafy greens 😉

And that does not a healthy brand make.

Engage In Weight-Bearing Exercises

I remember taking my first steps on my leg after having my knee surgery and being SO nervous that my body wouldn't hold my weight.

My worries were unfounded.

My leg held my weight just fine. It didn't even feel unstable.

Your bones are MADE to carry the load.

And so is your brand.

When you have great brand clarity and are living in it every day, it carries the load.

When you want to try a marketing tactic you've never tried before, it can carry the load.

When you want to move away from a strategy that no longer works for you, it can carry the load.

When you're wondering how people might respond to you with regard to a new advertising campaign, it can carry the load.


You see, I could have stayed on my crutches for longer after my surgery. And that might have even been easier on me from a mental worry perspective. But it wouldn't have actually changed the BONES. And it would have actually HURT the surrounding systems, like my muscles, by decreasing their strength.

Most companies DON'T weight bear on their brands. They tend to depend on their features, or their pricing model, or their advertising company.

But your brand is your BONES. And the longer you don't use them that way, all those other things are going to suffer.

Do you find it funny how things that make total sense with our bodies ALSO seem to make total sense in marketing?

Limit Alcohol & Caffeine

Now you might be wondering about this is Tracy going to make THIS one make sense in marketing.

Don't worry, I've got you friends 😊

When it comes to our bodies, things like alcohol and caffeine have a negative impact on bone health. And there are also MANY things out in the wide world that have a negative impact on our brand health.

So, while it might not specifically been alcohol and caffeine you need to limit, there are THINGS that you need to limit. And one big one in particular.


Regardless of how well intentioned an opinion is, it will always be SOMEONE ELSE'S. So DON'T mistake it for yours.

When it comes to marketing in particular, this is so, SO common.

People see what some other company is doing, and it's working for them, so it MUST work for me too.

But tell often has that been true for you?

No company grew to be the size of Apple, Virgin, Tesla or Disney by copying someone else's way.

"Someone else's way" in this case, being your alcohol.

It weakens your bones. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Now, that doesn't mean that you're NEVER going to consume it. You get to decide that. And in so doing, YOU take the reins back.

You decide what to let in and what NOT to let in.

But are you going to let the cool kids bully you into taking a drink?

Or are YOU going to decide for yourself what's best for you?

This is the problem with most marketers out there in the digital space. Is they're trying to convince you that THEIR way is YOUR way. But it's not. And it will NEVER be.

Because even if you decided to use the same strategy or tactic as them, there's YOUR way to do it, and THEIR way to do it.

Ugh, it's poison my friends.

So DON'T let it in to your brand.

Your brand is stronger WITHOUT it.

Keeping Up Your Strength

By implementing these three tips, you can actively prevent negative impacts on your brand health.

And just like in your body, this isn't just a one time deal.

It's an on-going commitment.

A commitment to building a brand community that provides nutrients to everyone in the ecosystem.

A commitment to bear weight on your brand, even when it's not the easiest thing to choose.

A commitment to cut out the opinions and "help" that actually make your brand health weaker.

When we do those things, as a marketing team, on the daily, we build a strong foundation that nothing can shake...not even a global pandemic.

If you're looking for a partner to help keep you accountable on these commitments, let's chat 💖


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